Our Process

We are here to help guide you. Have Questions?

Structure of the Counseling and Coaching Process:


Individual Sessions

Most traditional sessions are designed for one counselor with one client. Specialized sessions involving two counselors with one client is another service that is offered. We have found this to be very effective in working with the sub-conscious and conscious mind. This integrative process lead by a husband-wife team makes Simply Grace very unique.


Session Length

Sessions normally last one hour; sometimes longer for specific issues.


Session Frequency

Weekly sessions are ideal; it keeps the momentum going. Twice monthly sessions are acceptable depending on the client’s commitment level.


Number of Sessions

12-20 sessions is the average time needed in order to complete the counseling process.


Fee Structure

We ask for a financial donation per each session.


Analysis Tools

Taylor Johnson Temperament Analysis*:

The T-JTA is a personality assessment that has been used by counseling professionals for over 50 years for individual, pre-marital and marital counseling. It measures 18 dimensions of personality that are important in individual adjustment and interpersonal relationships.

Meyer-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (https://mypersonality.net)

Core Values Assessment

Love Language Profile (The Love Language® Quiz (5lovelanguages.com)

Personal Mission Statement and Development

*Additional Fee

** Some or all of these tools may be used.


Cancellation/Reschedule Policy

We desire a 24 hour notice of appointment cancellation or rescheduling.


Commitment Level

This type of counseling process differs from traditional therapy in that the client will be taught truths (at certain intervals) and will be asked to complete homework assignments. Those who attend sessions regularly and complete homework assignments almost without exception experience “life change”. Relief and freedom (healing) can feel very similar in the short run; however, true freedom lasts.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

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2300 Lakeview Parkway Suite 700 Alpharetta GA 30009
