Life’s Transitions
A Life Coach
Men’s Counseling
Have you ever felt like this? For the past several years my life has felt like a roller coaster ride: highs and lows, ups and downs. Fortunately, when work is stressful, my home life (family and friends) is at least stable or high; however, lately both are unbearably...
Counseling for Postpartum Depression
Whether this is your first, second or third+ child, each post pregnancy experience is unique. The struggles and daily challenges can feel overwhelming. While you struggle to develop a routine for the newborn, your personal routine(s) have been sacrificed or lost....
Chronic Pain Management & Counseling
Is chronic pain more physical, mental or emotional? Pain is inextricably linked to emotions. In fact, physical pain and emotional pain exist on almost the same circuitry of the nervous system, with common brain systems involved. For this reason, it's not surprising...
Addiction Counseling
Taking Control, Regaining Balance Our counselors at Simply Grace Counseling in Alpharetta have had training and years of experience working with those who are entangled by addiction. Addictions such as: gambling, eating disorders, etc. Drug and Alcohol...
Grief and Loss
May Hope & Peace Be Yours Today… Have you recently lost someone you love? When we encounter loss, it is difficult to find our way back to normal; unfortunately, the normalcy of the past is lost as well. Everyone grieves differently. We at Simply Grace Counseling...
Depression Counseling
Depression Counseling What is Depression? Many of us will survive mundane days that seem harder than others. While occasional sadness is normal; clinical or major depression is an illness that can affect many aspects of a person’s day-to-day life. A person...
Anxiety Counseling
Anxiety Counseling In today’s world, information is increasingly abundant; experiencing mild anxiety is normal; however, when fear is present anxiety soars… Anxiety, fear and worry are in the house; uninvited, without a warning notice. With these unanswerable...