Is chronic pain more physical, mental or emotional?
Pain is inextricably linked to emotions. In fact, physical pain and emotional pain exist on almost the same circuitry of the nervous system, with common brain systems involved. For this reason, it’s not surprising that the presence of chronic pain is often associated with emotional changes.
Is chronic pain ever associated with anxiety and /or depression?
Yes. Emotional and physical pain are closely related, and persistent pain can lead to increased levels of stress, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Chronic pain does have an emotional component. Today, an increasing number of physicians are becoming more aware of the emotional effects of chronic pain. Simply Grace Counselors can teach clients to use various spiritual and psychological “tools,” to help them perceive their pain as less intense. The main goal is for your life to be full; yet, balanced, despite the pain.
According to Mental Health America, “Research shows that those with chronic pain are four times more likely to have depression or anxiety than those who are pain-free.”
Statistics About Chronic Pain
The results of a survey conducted in 2019 found that 50.2 million adults (20.5%) reported pain on most days or every day. The most common pain locations were back pain and hip, knee, or foot pain.
Nearly 20 million are living with high-impact chronic pain, which is pain that affects at least one significant activity in their life like cleaning the home, driving, or going to work. The most commonly used management strategies for chronic pain were physical therapy and massage.
Overall, these findings indicate that more than 1 in 5 adults in America experiences chronic pain; additional attention to managing the burden of this disease is warranted. 2021 International Association for the Study of Pain
Pain, Emotions and Feelings
When pain becomes something that a person deals with and accepts as part of their day-to-day living, it can begin to take a toll on their overall mental health. Chronic pain can lead to feelings of anger, sadness, guilt, and helplessness.
According to a Wake Forrest University Blog:
A fundamental difference between feelings and emotions is that feelings are experienced consciously, while emotions manifest either consciously or subconsciously. Some people may spend years, or even a lifetime, not understanding the depths of their emotions.
Emotions come first, then feelings come after; as the emotion chemicals go to work in our bodies. Then moods develop from a combination of feelings. Emotions are chemicals released in response to our interpretation of a specific trigger.
The Roles of Counselor and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
as it Pertains to Chronic Pain
We at Simply Grace provide a counselor and Emotion Code Practitioner in order to effectively work with clients experiencing chronic pain. We work with clients on both a conscious and subconscious Level.
Conscious Level Counseling Can Help:
– Navigate through different thoughts and feelings one may experience with chronic pain
– Change the view of chronic pain to create a more balanced and hopeful outlook
– Learn more about you as a person and more about your battle with chronic pain
– Understand how you think about your pain
– Soothe the chronic pain you are experiencing
– Put you back in control of how you process pain sensations
– Find healthier ways of coping as it is in the present
Attending to the Subconscious
Help the client understand the difference between feelings and emotions.
Emotions are energy with specific frequencies embedded in the subconscious.
These frequencies can trigger chemical imbalances in the brain.
Few people would argue that physicist Albert Einstein was a man ahead of his time. Highly regarded as one of the greatest thinkers ever to walk the Earth. One of his many famous quotes is as follows: “The future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”
The Certified Emotion Code Practitioner at Simply Grace Can Help the Client:
– Identify emotional imbalances causing stress or resistance
– Process out or neutralize lower frequency emotions (excessive energy robbing emotions)
– Identify obsolete belief(s), code or despair anchors that are causing stress or resistance
– Replace obsolete belief(s) with new, updated, healthier beliefs (changing neural pathways)
– Remove obsolete, energic heart walls built by the subconscious
Pain management counseling for a more peaceful, lighter life
Chronic pain can invade a person’s entire life, bury dreams, and even make daily tasks seem risky or challenging. This cycle of hopelessness or helplessness can often lead to negative mental health consequences, like depression and anxiety.
We at Simply Grace Holistic Counseling in Alpharetta understand the added stress and complications associated with chronic pain. Call today for an assessment and you can be one step closer to getting help with long-term pain relief and an increase in your overall health and well-being.