Our Mission:

We are Christian Counselors and we are here to help guide you. Have Questions?

Our Mission

We have a passion for individuals to awaken, recover and rest in the love and acceptance of God and self.

Our Vision

  • To prepare the way for a healthy concept of God and self
  • To assist in restoring the Spirit, soul, body connection
  • To encourage the letting go of unhealthy emotions, beliefs and patterns in order to give authentic identity and objectivity a chance for healthy expression.

Core Values

  • Safety: We desire to maintain a safe and secure environment by providing a place of respect, confidentiality and acceptance. This will open the pathway to vulnerability and honesty (the forerunner to healing and freedom) in order for the love and acceptance of God to accomplish a deep work.
  • Practical Spirituality: Spirituality is only powerful and life-changing when it is applied to every day life. Without down-to-earth practicality, spirituality becomes theoretical and separated from reality. (lonerwolf.com)
  • Identity: God has held in trust for each of us an amazing, timeless gift; an unearned, unbreakable, righteous identity. God has breathed in and upon us a priceless, unconditional, irrevocable worth, value and significance.
  • Love: God is love and love is God’s primary catalyst for soul change. There are many facets to love such as nurturing, patience and kindness; however, love can also be expressed as objective truth. Love has our highest good in mind.
  • Mercy:  It originates with God, is birthed from gratitude, and expressed as uncompromising compassion.This mercy overtakes and outlasts any form of shame, judgment or condemnation.
  • Grace: It is the indwelling presence of God enabling us to awaken and accomplish all that God desires. I Cor. 15:10; II Cor. 12:9; Col. 3:3-4
  • Forgiveness: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!” Galatians 5:1. Once awakened to freedom there is the desire to forgive. We are empowered to forgive. As we forgive ourselves and others we increase our soul’s capacities for God and others.
  • Gratitude: When practiced regularly, it can help us get unstuck, alter our perspective and set us up for receiving. It can help make room for new thinking and solutions.
  • Note: The above statements and values are things we embrace and believe necessary for lasting soul change…

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

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2300 Lakeview Parkway Suite 700 Alpharetta GA 30009
