Spring 2021

The time we spend holding space for our clients is very special and sacred. It is very encouraging for us to read the honest expressions from their perspective when they choose to write a testimonial about their counseling experience. We are thankful for this client’s story.

How has holistic counseling with Simply Grace improved your life?

“Simply Grace improved my life by teaching me to identify past patterns and beliefs that do not serve me well.  The patterns and beliefs caused blocks in my body and life. The counseling helped me learn how to release the blockers and retrain my mind and thoughts, so I don’t repeat the old patterns.  Since my sessions with them, I catch myself when an unhealthy thought comes to mind. Then, I use some of the techniques Debbie and Ken taught me to release the thoughts before they become ingrained in. I also saw for the first time that some of my beliefs were so unhealthy and I was projecting them onto my loved ones.”

What would you say to a friend or family member who was curious about this type of counseling?

“I would say come with an open mind, be patient (the process is not short or quick). I expected my life would change in only a few sessions; however, I quickly learned I had deep layers of hurt and pain some of which I put on myself that needed to change. Think about unblocking and counseling as an investment in yourself. You will grow to be a better you!”

What has pleased you most about your counseling process and recovery?

“I am most pleased with my progress. There are times I feel myself reverting back to being ‘in my head’ and feeling low or lonely, but I can honestly say that I snap out of it a lot quicker than before.    I used to feel like I was in quicksand. The harder I tried to get out, the harder life seemed to push me down.  Now, it’s different; I sometimes avoid the quicksand all together or when I’m in the quicksand  I see ropes and ladders around me helping me get out.” – M.B., Cumming, GA.


So, why do we tend to repeat the same patterns even when we know they are unhealthy?

This refers to the way neurons in our brain create stronger, more efficient, and more familiar pathways the more we think about or do something. We’ve all experienced this when we practice a skill; likewise, we repeat maladaptive patterns (of thinking and behaving) because these pathways are the strongest and the most comfortable. Change or trying something new takes us out of our comfort zone but it’s only after we have stepped out that we can change, grow and transform.

Re-patterning, reprogramming or renewing our mind takes time. New awareness, attitudes and actions are the result of spiritual guidance, consistent growth and intentional choices. That is why we refer to counseling as a “process”. A process is a series of actions which are carried out in order to achieve a particular result. The focus only needs to be on one step forward….it might be worth it!



Thank you for all the donations, prayers and words of encouragement. We believe in the abundance opportunities of 2021!


                                                                                                          Ken & Debbie