The article in our Fall News was about Holding Space for others by walking alongside them when needed with openness and non-judgment and offering compassion. In order to really be present and helpful, there may be a need to look at how we show up and engage with...
Grace Stories

Grace Stories

       SIMPLY GRACE Now                                         HOLIDAY 2022                                                  Grace Stories “Counseling has really helped my husband and I communicate better and understand each other.  It has also been something we look...

FALL News 2022

SIMPLY GRACE Now                                              FALL 2022                      We moved into our new office space in September and it is perfect! We started praying about this potential change over a year ago. Our desires were placed on a blessing list...
Summer 2022

Summer 2022

SIMPLY GRACE Now Summer 2022   It takes great courage to tell your personal story and expose the wounds and insecurities in a counseling setting. We are sharing a couple of testimonies from clients who were dedicated to weekly counseling sessions for many months....
Got Trust Issues

Got Trust Issues

GOT TRUST ISSUES? “I have a hard time trusting people.” “I never feel like I can trust my partner.” It is very common for us, in our work as counselors, to hear these statements. Trust issues are extremely common in relationships. However, resolving trust issues may...
Nature VS Nurture

Nature VS Nurture

   All Things Working Together… Nature & Nurture I recently watched a video of a toddler; it was a girl around three years old.  The digital video was very poor quality because it was transferred from an old 8 mm film, originally taken in the early 1960’s.  Again,...